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Learn The Latest Asil Cockfighting 2024

Asil cockfighting is a real battle of fighting cocks. In the world of spur fighting chickens, there is no one who does not admire the round spur fighting Asil chicken. They are famous for their flair in battle and distinctive appearance. Every Cambodian cockfight where they appear attracts and stimulates passion. Are you ready to discover about Asil chicken lines and how to identify them, as well as their fighting abilities? Please refer now from New88.

The appeal of Asil cockfighting:

Asil cockfights are very special events in the cockfighting community. These are breathtaking confrontations, where the chicken’s patience, tactics and strength are most clearly shown. Each match is a great challenge for chicken owners and those who love this art.

Asil cockfighting fierce matches

Asil cockfighting attracts not only the determination of the chickens but also their unique beauty. From the first shot to the last minutes of the match, their every gesture shows steadfastness and determination.

Those participating in the match are not only people who love fighting cocks, but also people who clearly understand their spirit and fighting art. That is why Asil cockfights always attract attention and anticipation from the cockfighting community.

Evaluation of the Asil chicken breed

Evaluating the fighting ability of round-spur fighting Asil chickens is one of the points that most chicken players are most concerned about. With the nature of Asil chickens, they are famous for their bravery, strong health and endurance. Although they have strong bodies, they move flexibly and nimbly in battle. This creates an advantage for them in cockfighting matches. Asil cockfighting matches, thanks to the strengths of the chicken breed, are always the most attractive matches at bookmaker New88.

Fighting chicken breed from South Asia.

The method of raising and caring for Asil chickens is no different from other breeds. Proper nutrition, including health-boosting bran, vitamins, natural foods, and green vegetables, is necessary. In addition, performing physical exercises such as jogging, kicking, and breathing, along with letting them run in cages or pens, will help improve their health and be ready for matches.

How to choose a fighting cock for the Asil cockfighting match at New88 2024

To choose a cock for asil cockfighting, you need to pay attention to their body shape, including the characteristics of the head, beak, eyes, legs, shoulders and back. Below are the characteristics of the Asil cock:

First Part:

Choose asil chickens that have round and broad heads, with white eyes and slightly raised cheekbones. You should choose those with mulberry or mulberry combs. A prominent feature that helps distinguish Asil chickens is that the joint between the head and neck is cranially constricted. Their faces are often bright red, creating a fierce look.

Chicken Beak:

The beak of a war asil chicken can vary depending on the breed. For example, North Indian Asil chickens often have large, eagle-like beaks, while South Indian Asil chickens have shorter, wide, triangular beaks. But Uncle Indian asil chickens are usually pure fighting cockscurrent result

Chicken Eyes:

Asil chickens’ eyes are usually white, and as they mature, they turn dark white. High eye brows and cheekbones help protect eyes during competition.

Chicken Feet:

Select The color of asil chicken feet is also extremely important. Leg colorbelong to Varieties ranging from ivory white, black, gray to green. Their legs are usually strong and muscular, but look “a bit short” compared to the whole. The foot scales are rough and slightly warped. You should choose asils with black legs because they often have big and strong calvesstrong.

Chicken Shoulder and Back:

Asil chickens have a wide back and the wings are always close to the body. Their backs are usually kept at an angle of about 45 degrees, creating balance for the body. This is the difference compared to other fighting chicken breeds.

With these notes hyhope With those characteristics, when participating in Asil cockfighting, you will be able to choose your own fighting cock.

How to participate in asil cockfighting with New88

Participate in exciting Asil cockfighting matches with New88

To play asil cockfighting at New88, you can follow these steps:

  • Register an account: Visit the New88 link or New88 mobile application and register an account if you don’t have one yet. The registration process is usually very simple and only requires you to provide some necessary personal information.
  • Deposit money to participate in matches: After registering, you need to deposit money into your New88 account with methods such as credit card, bank transfer, or e-wallet.
  • Select asil cockfighting: On the New88 website or mobile app, you will find “cockfighting” in the list of games. Choose an asil cockfighting match you want to participate in.
  • Place a bet: then use the asil cock selection information we just gavedivide Share to choose your own cock and place a bet
  • Waiting for results: Finally, wait for the results from the match

Above is the divisionshall about asil cockfighting with New88, Hope you will find yourself fighting cocks for asil cockfighting matches. Wishing you a happy time participating in Asil cockfighting with New88. Learn more casino new88 here.

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